Saturday, September 10, 2011

Something Precious..

There's always that little thing that makes everything worthwhile....all the frustration, the negative media, ur own problems. It's when you come across some very mundane but heart wrenching experiences, when u feel like there is still some goodness in this world. Keeping aside everything that we complain about, all the hatred we see and feel, the anger; There is at least somebody who is doing things right.

Im heading home after a long day of work, sitting in the rickshaw and then i reach home. I am about to pay the guy, when he turns around and says 'Madam, aapse ek salah chahiye..poochoon??'

Not something you would expect from a rickshaw driver. Then he asks me about where i think, he should send his daughter to study, as apparently im a working woman & have a better idea regarding career decisions. He goes on to describe for the next 10 minutes - about how after a lot of difficulties, he sent his daughter to college; after his wife expired. He says his daughter is depressed, doesn't go to college and evidently has a lot of household responsibilities. His son works but doesn't give a damn about his family. He says that he is a father after all, he cant confront his daughter like a mother would. Would correspondence courses be a good idea? He wants his daughter to become independent before he dies. Wat can he do?

I ask him to try to get her educated nevertheless, correspondence or not. He thanks me and goes his way. And i cant wipe out the smile, off my face. This man, uneducated himself, barely able to hold make his ends meet, still believes his daughter should study. It makes me feel better. The world aint so bad. Its small, precious, moments like these, which inspire you. If this guy can think positively, in spite of all the issues he's facing? Then why can't I??

It's not a terrorist, film star or politician who impacts the good/evil in this world. It's the common man. It's a rickshaw driver, or a grocery store owner. It's U. And it's something precious.

1 comment:

Praseem said...

Ya absolutely rite..whatever unpleasant things life throws at you, there's that small moment that covers up everything, what you've described is a manifestation of that!!