Monday, September 5, 2011


Writing is like a river....u cant hold on to the flow of thoughts for too long...every good line is an idea. So I better pen it down before its brilliance fades. So here i am writing after a long time..just because i felt the moment now as - just right.

Im wondering what would really make your life worth living. I mean not the same routine, stress, worry, responsibilities. I meant what could you do, to just feel U?? To just feel free. Like you were born for it. Like it gives you a high. It could be your current job, personal experience or just a thought/memory that makes you smile. :)
Getting the answer to this question is really difficult. u could turn to religion, spiritualism, leadership...but youll always come back to U. It's always U in the end. U have a depth, even you couldnt imagine. But its all there.

So rite now, u either think im crazy, philosophical or absolutely correct. Irrespective, i cant stop writing all of a sudden. My thoughts on this are like an unsaddled, wild horse..who just cant stop running. I always thought, that somewhere, we all know what we really want and inspite of all the 'responsibilities', 'work pressures' or 'Problems'; its actually U who is stopping urself. From going on that vacation, taking a break, saying out loud, laughing like uve never laughed before, trusting your heart with somebody, or maybe just doin that very thing that gives you a high. That makes ur heart beat faster. U are the problem. Bcoz frankly anybody who really wanted something and acted stubborn enough..kinda got it in the end. Take up any example of an achiever, leader....this stubbornness..or i would say unwavering faith in themselves, their dream, kept them going. U are afraid to decide you could be actually responsible for what happens to you.

So why not do something that makes u feel this way, once in a while. U dont have to wait till ur old/dying/injured to think about what u wanted to do. Just go out and do it. A little bit of indulgence always keeps the spirit young!! go get U a new anthem...a new passion...a better way of life.

Signing off. Godspeed.


Amrinder said...

wow...ur so called wild thoughts are a nice and very refreshing reading.

Very true..for every problem to start and for it to end ...the solution lies with us.

start a new beginning with a great vigor

god bless u.

guri said...

thank u di..! :)