Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We use these lines quite often - "I didn't expect you to...", "I expected better..", "This isnt what i wanted..".

The main reason why we end up getting hurt is because we expect. We hope that things will work out in a certain fashion. Our happiness or satisfaction, depends on that outcome. What we're really doing is putting ourselves out there..big time. Making ourselves vulnerable. Ive always had this kinda problem. Ive expected things to be great or people to behave in a certain way. Which means i cared. Half of the times ive been hurt and the other half its been worth it.

So the main question is how do u balance this?? You could stop expecting and just take care of everything yourself. But then you wouldn't have real friends or ever fall in love. You would miss out on all the good stuff and definitely the bad things too..... Cause this works both ways.

Ive said this to myself lotsa times - "youve been such a fool. Wat were u thinking? He/She is not even thinking on the same lines as you. SERIOUSLY? Wow.....waste of your time..." :) Lot of my friends would describe me as an emotional person. Some would call me passionate. MANY would say, ive got a bit of temper. That's different ways of saying i expect or i care..coz it wouldnt be any of these if i didnt.

So u do need to expect. And hope. Cross your fingers and pray sometimes. But uve gotta know wen its worth it. Wen the other person can do the same for u. Tats wen u can put yourself out there. Tats wen it works all right. :)

Again ive put in some random thoughts, sitting in my head. Hope u can identify with this. Signing off.


Praseem said...

Ur rite..we shoudn't have irrational expectations from anyone..but i think its justified if we expect something from people whom we truly care for ..in whom we have complete trust..and thats when it really hurts..when such people do not return our trust in them!
Nice post btw..keep em cming :)

guri said...

you totally got the gist... :)

Mahima said...

I wish even blogger.com had a "like" button... It is soo true.. And each and every1 of us has/had this feeling of "mixed emotions" in different paths of our lives.. Bt wht wud we be widout elements like "care", "love", etc.. I too feel der aint nething wrong if we expect frm d ppl close to us as long as those expectations remain rational.. Happy Blogging!

guri said...

Thx mahima...keep reading..

Prakhar Sharma said...

b happy, i'm commenting here.. i believe its gud to expect.. bt its a personal feelin n we alone r responsible fr it..we shudn't put the burden of fulfiling them on anyone else's shoulders..we expect coz we felt..n its ok if they dun fulfil,thrz no bet tht it has to go ryt..we cn learn frm it, n do better..thts wat probably makes us a little more wise..

interesting thoughts.. keep up dude.. :)

guri said...

Thanks prakhar.. :)