Friday, March 8, 2013

Being a Woman

There are a lot of good wishes doing the rounds today...and everyone's really upbeat about the role of women in their lives and how much we mean to them. Yet im thinking on another tangent. What does it really mean to be a woman?

Is it your first period? or the absolute need to keep your house in order?? or your bonding over "Guys are really wired wrong all the way...."? Is it the moment you hold your child in your arms?? or is it watching over your younger siblings when even the word 'motherhood' doesn't exist in your vocabulary? What is it that sets us apart? That makes us endure pain, sometimes even emotional trauma and still hold ourselves and our families together? What are we made of?? Resilience? Determination? Forgiveness? Love?

I live in a country of paradoxes, where mother goddesses are worshiped and also where women like 'Nirbhaya' exist. I hear a lot about 'male domination' and 'patriarchal mindset'. What are these guys trying to dominate? The absolute sense of 'never giving up', the sheer selflessness, or the striving for the welfare of their loved ones? What? They are only deluding themselves. None of these so-called patriarchs would last a day or even exist if it wasn't for the women standing in the shadow of their glorified male ego and their chauvinism.

I use this day to send out a blessing if you will, to all the women who are exploited, raped and who live in extremely inhuman circumstances. I pray that you don't let that light die within you. You exist because this world could not do without you. Yes, that's true. There is definitely somebody/something that depends on you. On your very existence. And i pray that you find it.

Women have their role in society as much as men do. The fact that women may still need to fight for this basic right is the defeat of democracy, of society and our value systems. Change begins at home. Give your daughters the same opportunities as your sons. Give her the same upbringing and imbibe her, with the same attitude of independent living as in your sons. And then see her blossom into a beautiful individual. That's the least we can all do.

As for the rest of us. Celebrate your womanhood. Rejoice that you are a woman. Celebrate your indomitable spirit.

Lastly, a quote -

'So kyun manda akhiye, jit jamme rajaan?' (So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.)
                                                                                                              - Guru Nanak


Anonymous said...

And then there are some parts of world too where men are exploited by women...

The other day i came across a News channel clip where a women literally bashed up her hubby ie. domestic violence...
False complaints regarding harassment and dowry have become a trend that some women misuse it to the max.
Are such women, women enuf to be termed women...??
Irony is that we live in a country where law favors the gender rather than truth...!!!

guri said...

Hi Mr Anonymous,
Hope you do end up reading my reply. It is my fault that i have been out of touch with my own blog. So If you know of cases where men are exploited, i would definitely like to hear about it. Its important that you highlight it, talk about it - that is how seeds of change can be sown. Any form of exploitation towards any of the sexes is blatantly unacceptable and asocial.

However, i refuse to agree that law favors the gender in our country - our systems - police, judiciary, society are patriarchal. This is true, not entirely in big metro cities - but definitely in villages and small towns. There are probably so many cases where women are unable to report their issues and seek resolution. There would be thousands (And i am being conservative on the numbers here) of genuine cases where women need help to one false reporting. And i feel that these women using law to their personal gains should be punished severely - because they are sabotaging the case for so many other women who genuinely need legal help.

Also, you seem to have taken my post to be a tirade against all men. You could not be more incorrect. I am only pointing out the real issue that women are facing in India. If you want to take this personally and talk about one domestic violence case gone wrong as an excuse to shut out the problem staring us in the face (Read - Exploitation of women), you are letting ego rule logic.

My only hope is that we see men (Im assuming you to be a man aka your reply) - like you and others in decisive/powerful positions,show intent on laying bare the social imbalance that exists and willingness to stand up together to clean it. We women need men in our journey to ensure that existing systems sponsoring/covering exploitation of women are torn down. We definitely could not do it without you guys.

I would love to hear if you have any other observations. Godspeed!