Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life's little things....

Were all so caught up in our daily routines, petty frustrations, the need to get more than what we've already got. No time to pause..after all looking back is like losing. Our lives are so hectic and full of deadlines, plans & whatnot. There's no time to stop and assess.No time to look back and see how far you've really come. To find out whether you're really on the right track in life. No, all we care about, is the next bonus, salary date, the list of weddings you're supposed to attend (especially this time of the year), all the stuff you need to buy; and maybe now and then whine about 'Why o why, dont i already have '----'? Its an endless stream. Life goes on...days pass buy. Before you know it, its the end of the year.

The point of my talking about the above, is - why dont we just take out some time, when we could just be ourselves....feel carefree....really feel alive. We always live our lives for others/other things. There's no time or place for the little, beautiful things in life. So much goodness around. Miracles every day. And we just pass them by.

I normally go gymming every day. I usually smile and wave at the watchman, while passing at the gate. Only today he walked towards me...asked me how i was and then proudly said 'Madam, mere doosre bete ki navy main naukri lag gayi'. There was a big smile....yet humbleness accompanying it, and definitely well earned pride. I congratulated him and walked along..but it got me thinking. He probably never went to school, never dreamed of big jobs or money. Did a small job, but very courteously, greeting me with a smile everyday. All of a sudden i felt small, in all my misgivings, my complaints sometimes about how screwed my life is...His was worse, yet he was thankful every day for his job. He probably wont ever read this blog...wouldnt know he is the subject of my post. His constant dedication to his work and his nature.., probably his pride for his son's accomplishment, demands more respect than a lot of accomplished people i know.

'Accomplishment' holds different meanings to different people. Its not always money, or beauty or fame. Sometimes it's the little thing. It's hearing about your son's new job, which you couldn't even dream of. It's the smile when you know that someone special loves you too. It's the feeling you helped somebody. It's present in the love you feel for your family. It's your passion.

So, time to stop. To take a turn and look back. To live the little things in life.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Something Precious..

There's always that little thing that makes everything worthwhile....all the frustration, the negative media, ur own problems. It's when you come across some very mundane but heart wrenching experiences, when u feel like there is still some goodness in this world. Keeping aside everything that we complain about, all the hatred we see and feel, the anger; There is at least somebody who is doing things right.

Im heading home after a long day of work, sitting in the rickshaw and then i reach home. I am about to pay the guy, when he turns around and says 'Madam, aapse ek salah chahiye..poochoon??'

Not something you would expect from a rickshaw driver. Then he asks me about where i think, he should send his daughter to study, as apparently im a working woman & have a better idea regarding career decisions. He goes on to describe for the next 10 minutes - about how after a lot of difficulties, he sent his daughter to college; after his wife expired. He says his daughter is depressed, doesn't go to college and evidently has a lot of household responsibilities. His son works but doesn't give a damn about his family. He says that he is a father after all, he cant confront his daughter like a mother would. Would correspondence courses be a good idea? He wants his daughter to become independent before he dies. Wat can he do?

I ask him to try to get her educated nevertheless, correspondence or not. He thanks me and goes his way. And i cant wipe out the smile, off my face. This man, uneducated himself, barely able to hold make his ends meet, still believes his daughter should study. It makes me feel better. The world aint so bad. Its small, precious, moments like these, which inspire you. If this guy can think positively, in spite of all the issues he's facing? Then why can't I??

It's not a terrorist, film star or politician who impacts the good/evil in this world. It's the common man. It's a rickshaw driver, or a grocery store owner. It's U. And it's something precious.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Writing is like a river....u cant hold on to the flow of thoughts for too long...every good line is an idea. So I better pen it down before its brilliance fades. So here i am writing after a long time..just because i felt the moment now as - just right.

Im wondering what would really make your life worth living. I mean not the same routine, stress, worry, responsibilities. I meant what could you do, to just feel U?? To just feel free. Like you were born for it. Like it gives you a high. It could be your current job, personal experience or just a thought/memory that makes you smile. :)
Getting the answer to this question is really difficult. u could turn to religion, spiritualism, leadership...but youll always come back to U. It's always U in the end. U have a depth, even you couldnt imagine. But its all there.

So rite now, u either think im crazy, philosophical or absolutely correct. Irrespective, i cant stop writing all of a sudden. My thoughts on this are like an unsaddled, wild horse..who just cant stop running. I always thought, that somewhere, we all know what we really want and inspite of all the 'responsibilities', 'work pressures' or 'Problems'; its actually U who is stopping urself. From going on that vacation, taking a break, saying out loud, laughing like uve never laughed before, trusting your heart with somebody, or maybe just doin that very thing that gives you a high. That makes ur heart beat faster. U are the problem. Bcoz frankly anybody who really wanted something and acted stubborn enough..kinda got it in the end. Take up any example of an achiever, leader....this stubbornness..or i would say unwavering faith in themselves, their dream, kept them going. U are afraid to decide you could be actually responsible for what happens to you.

So why not do something that makes u feel this way, once in a while. U dont have to wait till ur old/dying/injured to think about what u wanted to do. Just go out and do it. A little bit of indulgence always keeps the spirit young!! go get U a new anthem...a new passion...a better way of life.

Signing off. Godspeed.

Friday, June 24, 2011


We have all been through the excruciatingly monotonous process of understanding this word 'Democracy', as part of our social sciences in high school. But today as a citizen, in the worlds largest democracy, what does it really signify for each of us?? How do we play our role?? How can we make our voices heard?? Where does accountability checks (for our leaders) come into picture and how can it be successfully implemented without fear of anarchy creeping in?? What can be done to stop the rampant corruption and the wastage of precious tax rupees along with it?? These questions hold the key to a successful and 'practical' democratic setup. This is exactly what i intend to discuss in this post.

Recent events have all been about how the people triumphed over the corrupt govt. Hurray!! We got what we wanted. But i think there have been good and bad implications. Anna Hazare standing up for the common man and pushing the lokpal bill into being 'actually' considered by the current govt., was a great step. It showed that govt.s are accountable to the common man. So far so good. Then came the whole Ramdev Baba fiasco. Where a yoga teacher, with a great fan following decided that he was the voice of a billion people (with out actually verifying it) and copied the anna hazare story. That's wen things started going downhill. I think that is where we lost as responsible citizens. We as individuals have a responsibility deciding what causes we support. Talking about 'creating your own army' and fighting the govt.s corruption and inactivity; is like creating a non-democratic, violent and anarchist setup for a democratic cause. Probably the biggest irony of our times.

Then comes the issue of lathi charge by the delhi police after such silly, immature remarks made on television. Again intention right, but end result terribly wrong. The police cannot hit and drag women, children and even men, who are protesting non violently. yes the whole protest was veering towards a dangerously slippery slope; But the govt. and police are still accountable in the manner in which the whole gathering was disrupted. A prior warning, by the police, to evacuate, should have done the trick. Somehow the idea of the police, serving and protecting the weak, always slips away.

I think that we NEED to hold the govt. accountable; we NEED to have stringent laws against corruption and money laundering; we NEED to make our concerns heard and see it through. The only debatable point here being 'HOW' we plan to do the above. And that is the key, to a smooth and efficient governance. We have the right constitutionally, to protest, to voice our concerns and to make some noise. But we DO NOT have the right to disrupt governance and disobey democratically correct and essential processes. We cannot raise armies of our own accord or march out one day, and say, that you will pass a new law on your own by holding the govt. at ransom. Such an act only defeats the true purpose behind it. I'm sure every other terrorist organization, started for a good cause; and ended being the most anti-humanitarian setup. It's a fine line.

This situation is like a double edged sword - inaction is not recommended, so also violence. We need to come at an effective solution where accountability and public concerns can form the basis for new laws and methods of governance. We have taken a start. But now we need to responsibly act and move the idea of 'govt. for the people, and by the people' further. We need to develop channels were discussions between citizens, govt., and the learned happen, and affect and change the course of our democracy for good.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yin and Yang

We're always told that good triumphs over evil. On the other hand we also know, that all good things come to an end. Both these sentences, though contradictory, are equally true. There is no existence of goodness without evil. There is no life without death. both these elements exist in balance. It's only when one of them increases that we face disaster, problems and questions.

All of us, go through a lot of good and bad in life. We always say that we have improved. That is because we acknowledge what we've done wrong and wanna set it right. Its the same, when it comes to setbacks or accidents. When you win, against all odds and overcome your own uncertainties, success is even sweeter. Metal has to burn and be hit into shape, before it can be of any use. The same goes with us. We need to know what we are capable of. That cannot happen through perfection. But only through mistakes. A person who's always right or perfect will never reach his full potential. We need the problems sometimes to become capable of solving them. we need to take a step behind if we have to leap.

The entire point of this post, is that we need to understand that everything will never be alright all the time. There are gonna be a few pauses, thankfully so. Every problem, heartbreak, issue brings with it, its own kind of strength and understanding. we can be glad for all the good things, but we need to accept that everything else that wasn't right probably got you where you are. A real winner sees an opportunity in every circumstance. He never gives up. Any great thinker, philosopher, leader has always found himself surrounded by unforseen and difficult circumstances. Whether it was nelson mandela during apartheid, galileo in ancient times, bhagat singh as a revolutionary or mother theresa surrounded by thousands of homeless and poor in the streets in Calcutta. So rather than wondering why, did something awful happen to you, lets prepare to give your best and wait and watch!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Its been almost half a year since my last post. And life's been quite a roller coaster. Part of me wants to say out loud that ''mera bad luck kharab hai'' and the other part's quite relieved. When you feel this way at any point in your life, guaranteed, it is an epoch moment. Things around you might not change, but you will.

Ive been in a tough spot where my career is concerned and the past few months were far from being a holiday. But im glad that i did experience this. I know for sure, that once you come out of something difficult there is a 100% chance that you will be much much better than before. Its like the ''slap of awakening''. AND THIS TIME, you will definitely do it right.

It can be surprising how much there is in life, than we think. All we are worried about is tat deadline we have to meet, that apple product you're saving up to buy, tat phonecall from the cute guy you went out with once. Its like a blurry picture. You gotta focus on what you really want and you gotta do it. Yea, sure there's tat loan you gotta repay, or the house rent, or simply just the rat race ur part of and cant leave. Trust me, you WILL get around to doing what you really want to, sooner or later. sooner sounds like the better option. :)

I know tat bcoz its been tough to do all that im talking about, especially when you are in a fix. But its just this honesty tats kept me strong. You cannot lie to yourself. Period. If your life's a mess, its because you made it. You ignored all the signs, all that you needed and now you're stuck. I know that i have like a whole bucket list of things i wanna do and hey if im so busy tat i cant do them, its not worth it.

I have come to know more about myself...about wat i am, wat i can do. Its like rediscovering yourself. Like somebody saying, "Hey i had no could do that. Wow!!". Im sure that all the great thinkers of today, would not be great, if they hadn't discovered themselves and followed their heart.

I think im onto something new. I can't exactly place it, but i know im on my way!!!