Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hopes & Dreams

I love daydreaming. Its a part of the way I think. A lot of my thoughts at times begin with....."what if?". Its a great feeling to imagine yourself achieving all that you want to. Today im writing about our dreams, aspirations, hopes.  Our ideas of "the perfect life"....about what we would do IF we had all the money or opportunities.

Guess what....we don't.  Its nice to just believe that some things are not meant to be. That they're next to impossible.  Thats the easy part. The difficult part is trying. I say I try.....but maybe not. Then again if something is in your mind. ....if the mere thought of that can rock your world, it's not impossible.  It is in your mind for starters and frankly if everybody had just given up on their passions, we would probably still be living in the stone age.

The ability to dream and to hope are probably what makes us different from every other species.  We hope. We create. We fight. We destroy.  But we ACT.  I'm sure this sounds like another philosophical discourse.  But every other person who achieved something had a mammoth task ahead of him/her. They had a vision, stubborn mind and most importantly HOPE.

No matter what you are doing currently in your life. It is time, to turn to your symbol of hope. The time for that is always right.....and the work done in that direction always true.

Im hoping I do not ever stop believing in my passions...that I ways nurture hope and strengthen it with my toil. That someday I wake up feeling "I did it". :)

(PS. This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that tomorrow is a monday after the long diwali weekend :p)

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Routine. This is one word that we all associate with boredom, stagnancy. I feel this is true to some extent. Routine may make life more predictable, enable you to plan for your retirement, get an insurance plan, increase your savings account balance....blah! The list is pretty long.

But can routine give you peace of mind? Or a sense of accomplishment? Some of you might answer in the affirmative. Only I beg to disagree. Sure, we cannot live a nomadic life and enjoy the luxuries, comforts of our cities. But I believe that routine could limit your achievements, your potential if you adhere to it blindly. We should be constantly or atleast periodically look at those factors which bottleneck our creative faculties. These could be anything - an uninteresting job, a relationship thats not working, or plain lethargy.

Yes, that would mean taking risks and giving up on comforts but that would also make you feel all the more alive. Someone who takes risks and loses is always wiser/ more satisfied than the one who does not leave his own boundaries. 

Just as still water starts to smell foul, to be successful you have to keep moving. So maybe getting that big boring job or staying in the same situation will not help u achieve your life's purpose. I think the day we accept our problems as bigger than our will or believe that stagnacy is part of our lives - I.e. the day we succumb to routine for good, is the day we die - in the sense of capabilities, new possibilities. Then all we have got are these two words - "what if...".

Friday, February 21, 2014


Just a food for thought.....wat is it that makes some people famous and successful?  Many of them have humble or even worse beginnings. How do they reach the pinnacle of success?

Maybe its because they have nothing to loose. So they give it their everything. Unlike us they dont have a big list of reasons why they can't do wat they're good at - no job to loose, no fear of societal judgement, a necessity to feed their families. They can't be complacent like us - they have to act or give up their dreams of living a normal life.

We have a ton of reasons why we cannot do what we love. Why we cannot live our passions.  Our dreams.  Yes, there have been many stalwarts from the comfortable and well to do families.  But even they have taken great risks and moved out of their comfort zones.

Technically your stature should not influence your passion. But is this really true? Wonder why many of us always have a regret where our profession is concerned. There is always something that we would have loved to do, if conditions were better......if things were different. ...

What are we waiting for? If nothing else, we can atleast feel content in pursuing our dreams. .....whether we achieve them or not. Life would be lot more bearable.