Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yin and Yang

We're always told that good triumphs over evil. On the other hand we also know, that all good things come to an end. Both these sentences, though contradictory, are equally true. There is no existence of goodness without evil. There is no life without death. both these elements exist in balance. It's only when one of them increases that we face disaster, problems and questions.

All of us, go through a lot of good and bad in life. We always say that we have improved. That is because we acknowledge what we've done wrong and wanna set it right. Its the same, when it comes to setbacks or accidents. When you win, against all odds and overcome your own uncertainties, success is even sweeter. Metal has to burn and be hit into shape, before it can be of any use. The same goes with us. We need to know what we are capable of. That cannot happen through perfection. But only through mistakes. A person who's always right or perfect will never reach his full potential. We need the problems sometimes to become capable of solving them. we need to take a step behind if we have to leap.

The entire point of this post, is that we need to understand that everything will never be alright all the time. There are gonna be a few pauses, thankfully so. Every problem, heartbreak, issue brings with it, its own kind of strength and understanding. we can be glad for all the good things, but we need to accept that everything else that wasn't right probably got you where you are. A real winner sees an opportunity in every circumstance. He never gives up. Any great thinker, philosopher, leader has always found himself surrounded by unforseen and difficult circumstances. Whether it was nelson mandela during apartheid, galileo in ancient times, bhagat singh as a revolutionary or mother theresa surrounded by thousands of homeless and poor in the streets in Calcutta. So rather than wondering why, did something awful happen to you, lets prepare to give your best and wait and watch!!