Saturday, February 5, 2011


Its been almost half a year since my last post. And life's been quite a roller coaster. Part of me wants to say out loud that ''mera bad luck kharab hai'' and the other part's quite relieved. When you feel this way at any point in your life, guaranteed, it is an epoch moment. Things around you might not change, but you will.

Ive been in a tough spot where my career is concerned and the past few months were far from being a holiday. But im glad that i did experience this. I know for sure, that once you come out of something difficult there is a 100% chance that you will be much much better than before. Its like the ''slap of awakening''. AND THIS TIME, you will definitely do it right.

It can be surprising how much there is in life, than we think. All we are worried about is tat deadline we have to meet, that apple product you're saving up to buy, tat phonecall from the cute guy you went out with once. Its like a blurry picture. You gotta focus on what you really want and you gotta do it. Yea, sure there's tat loan you gotta repay, or the house rent, or simply just the rat race ur part of and cant leave. Trust me, you WILL get around to doing what you really want to, sooner or later. sooner sounds like the better option. :)

I know tat bcoz its been tough to do all that im talking about, especially when you are in a fix. But its just this honesty tats kept me strong. You cannot lie to yourself. Period. If your life's a mess, its because you made it. You ignored all the signs, all that you needed and now you're stuck. I know that i have like a whole bucket list of things i wanna do and hey if im so busy tat i cant do them, its not worth it.

I have come to know more about myself...about wat i am, wat i can do. Its like rediscovering yourself. Like somebody saying, "Hey i had no could do that. Wow!!". Im sure that all the great thinkers of today, would not be great, if they hadn't discovered themselves and followed their heart.

I think im onto something new. I can't exactly place it, but i know im on my way!!!