Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We use these lines quite often - "I didn't expect you to...", "I expected better..", "This isnt what i wanted..".

The main reason why we end up getting hurt is because we expect. We hope that things will work out in a certain fashion. Our happiness or satisfaction, depends on that outcome. What we're really doing is putting ourselves out there..big time. Making ourselves vulnerable. Ive always had this kinda problem. Ive expected things to be great or people to behave in a certain way. Which means i cared. Half of the times ive been hurt and the other half its been worth it.

So the main question is how do u balance this?? You could stop expecting and just take care of everything yourself. But then you wouldn't have real friends or ever fall in love. You would miss out on all the good stuff and definitely the bad things too..... Cause this works both ways.

Ive said this to myself lotsa times - "youve been such a fool. Wat were u thinking? He/She is not even thinking on the same lines as you. SERIOUSLY? Wow.....waste of your time..." :) Lot of my friends would describe me as an emotional person. Some would call me passionate. MANY would say, ive got a bit of temper. That's different ways of saying i expect or i care..coz it wouldnt be any of these if i didnt.

So u do need to expect. And hope. Cross your fingers and pray sometimes. But uve gotta know wen its worth it. Wen the other person can do the same for u. Tats wen u can put yourself out there. Tats wen it works all right. :)

Again ive put in some random thoughts, sitting in my head. Hope u can identify with this. Signing off.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Negative Emotions....

Anger, Hate, Scorn, a grudge, jealousy.....u name it. Weve all experienced atleast one or maybe all of these. Ive been introspecting lately and looking back on the stuff that ive done wrong. About friends or family whose feelings ive hurt or those whove hurt mine. Ive been thinking about how i could have made things easier for me.

Well firstly, i think its always important to care for yourself..we all worry about what the other person will think about us and we worry about hurting the other person. But what were actually doing is prolonging the uncomfortable situation for ourselves AND for the other person. So u kinda need to love and take care of urself before u can do the same for anybody else.... There is NOTHING without self-respect. No relation, however formal, professional or personal can last even for a second unless theres mutual respect.

We all think we are always right about somethings.....'SORRY' is like an impossible thing to say. Its difficult to accept ur fault, sometimes even when the person at the receiving end is your friend. But once u do that, its the most beautiful feeling.. Because its like saying u care enough to accept that you are wrong. If u can do this, trust me, u can do anything under the sun.

Whenever u get angry, or feel jealous, or hold a grudge; the only person that u harm is urself. That's because you are taking away your capacity of thinking rationally or normally...and someday ur gonna feel like a fool, coz its a pure waste of time. Thinking negatively abt somebody and something is equivalent to giving it importance. Thats how 'Your worst nightmares come true'. The amazing thing is that when u are able to completely isolate that uncomfortable situation/feeling, when it no longer bothers you, things which were irritating you or people who wouldn't care start to change.

But the truth is.....they didnt. U DID. Great people say 'Its all in your mind', whether good or bad. Its the way u think that defines how you feel and how people or things can affect you. By changing merely the way you think, you can pull yourself out of the worst imaginable situation. You can change your behaviour, and therefore your LIFE. I guess that's called writing your own destiny.

This is probably sounding like some self help recital. But its all original. :) Just something on the top of my mind, i thought i ought to share.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yeah, i know wat u guys are thinking...the first post in my blog nd im talking abt closure. Well thats where im standing... U know there are always some things important, which happen in our lives. They affect us. Our thinking, our behaviour - everything that we become is a result of these important events which form a part of our experience, our existence.

Everyone talks about starting new things, we celebrate birth, marriage, anniversaries....because theyre all great begginings. We all like to be reminded and told of how great things started. Well, i believe that beginnings are not alone...theyre one side of a coin. Im gonna discuss the other side.
Theres a saying - 'It begins at the end....' So wat is an end? A bad relationship, someones death, loosing a friend, falling sick, failing an exam.........? weve all got our own defintions and hell yeah our own experiences....... But all of these ends are followed by new things. Its like happiness coming into ur life in the disguise of sorrow...thats life.

These endings are as important, as the new hopes, new opportunities. They help us get into the new phase of life.

Im currently at a point, where my college has ended, many of my friends have started working......so will i in sumtime. I cherish my college days where we culd all sit under the same roof with no worry under the sun, ignore the professor and have so much fun. These days will never come back.....i will always remember them. Even our friends might not meet us as often... our locations might change.. were all gonna get busy. But its time to move ahead with as much as you can take with you.. Make new friends, have new goals, meet new people, go places (Hopefully fall in love ;) ). Life's gonna be full of surprises now.

So looking forward to new challenges, new hopes and a great life ahead. Signing off with line i love from the song 'Jeena' sung by Sonu Kakkar from the album Mukhbir - 'Dhoop main bhi chaaon hogi....do kadam chal saath re; Gham ke saaye main khushi hai....maan meri baat re...'